Friday, March 21, 2014

ER Model Quiz 3

DBMS Basics and Entity-Relationship Model - Quiz 3

1. Degree of relational table is
    Number of records in the table
    Number of attributes in the table
    Number of candidate keys in the table
    Number of distinct records in the table

2. Cardinality of the relational table is
    Number of records in the table
    Number of attributes in the table
    Number of candidate keys in the table
    Number of distinct records in the table

3. Which of the following would be the appropriate term for a key which consists of more than one attribute?
    Composite Key
    Candidate Key
    Primary Key
    None of the above

4. Degree of the relationship set is
    Number of records in the relational table
    Number of attributes in the relationship set
    Number of participating entity sets in the relationship set
    Number of distinct records in the relationship set

5. Cardinality of an attribute in a relational table is
    Number of unique values in the attribute
    Number of duplicated values in the attribute
    Number of values in the attribute
    None of the above

6. A Multivalued attribute in an ER diagram
    Must be directly mapped into the base table to which it belongs
    Must be mapped into a different table
    Must not be mapped into any tables
    Must be mapped into the relationship table

7. The set of candidate keys that are not selected as the Primary key is called
    Primary Keys
    Composite Keys
    Alternate Keys
    All of the above

8. "CREATE TABLE Emp (Emp_No CHAR(5), EName VARCHAR(25), SALARY NUMBER(8))". This DDL statment will
    Create a table named Emp
    Create a table named Emp and Update data dictionary
    Show error
    Not update data dictionary as the table does not have any primary key

9. An attribute or set of attributes of one relation that matches an attribute or set of attributes of other relation is
    Primary Key
    Candidate Key
    Super Key
    Foreign Key

10. Which of the following is an Integrity constraint?
    INT datatype
    DATE datatype
    All of the above

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