What are the deadlock prevention algorithms in database?
Notes and Tutorials on How to prevent deadlock? / How to prevent deadlock in DBMS? / Deadlock prevention techniques in DBMS / Wait-die and Wound-wait in DBMS / Database deadlock avoidance / Wait-die and Wound-wait example
The Deadlock prevention protocol prevents the system from deadlock through transaction rollbacks. It chooses rollback over waiting for the lock whenever the wait could cause a deadlock. In this approach we have the following two deadlock prevention algorithms;
1. Wait-die scheme
2. Wound-wait scheme
Assume that a
transaction T1 requests for a lock on a data item X. And, the data item X is
already locked by another transaction T2 in an incompatible mode. Now the
question is “Can we allow transaction T1 to wait or to roll-back?” The
Deadlock Prevention algorithm works by allowing a transaction to wait or
force it to roll-back to prevent the occurrence of deadlock.
Points to note:
1. Deadlock
prevention technique is used for a system for which the possibilities for
entering a deadlock state are high.
2. Using 2
Phase Locking protocol to lock all the required data items at once may
help in preventing deadlock at the cost of lower data-item utilization.
3. Every time
Wait-die or Wound-wait roll-back a transaction, it is very important to ensure
that the system does not choose the same transaction repeatedly. The repeated
rollback of same transaction will lead to the state called Starvation. Both Wait-die
and Wound-wait avoids starvation. This is handled by issuing the same timestamp
for the transaction which is rolled back.
4. In Wait-die
scheme, older transaction waits. In Wound-wait scheme, older transaction never
5. The major drawback: both schemes lead to
unnecessary rollbacks.
Related Links
Deadlock in databaseDeadlock detection techniques INDEX
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