Monday, February 17, 2025

Exam Questions - Normalization, File Organization, Indexing and Hashing

Exam Questions - Normalization, File Organization, Indexing and Hashing

  1. List some advantages of DBMS over File Processing System.
  2. Define the different levels of data abstraction
  3. What do you mean by degree of relationship set?
  4. What does DDL interpreter do?
  5. What is Multi-valued dependency?
  6. Define Loss-less join decomposition.
  7. What do you mean by Full Functional Dependency?
  8. Define Domain Key Normal Form (DKNF)
  9. Define Query Optimization
  10. What do you mean by Data transfer rate? How does it helpful in query processing?
  11. Define average latency time, mean time to failure, and average seek time.
  12. What are the responsibilities of Buffer manager?
  13. Discuss the Toss-immediate buffer management strategy with an example.
  14. Why the Most Recently Used (MRU) block replacement is considered the optimal one in database?
  15. Define heap file organization, sequential file organization, and hash file organization.
  16. How do we handle insertion of new records in Sequential file organization?
  17. List down various information stored in the Data dictionary.
  18. Does the allocation of records to blocks affect database-system performance? Why?
  19. Define Dangling pointer.
  20. List and define the types of indices.
  21. Are primary index and clustering index meaning the same thing?
  22. List and define the types of ordered indices.
  23. List some advantages of dense index.
  24. List some advantages of sparse index.
  25. Why the sequential scan in primary index is efficient?
  26. List some disadvantages of sequential file organization.
  27. Why do we need a hash function which can both distribute uniformly and randomly?
  28. Define skew.
  29. What are the various issues one should consider while choosing File organization and Indexing techniques?
  30. For executing a query which specifies a range of values in the WHERE clause, among Ordered indexing and Hash indexing, which is preferable? Why?
  31. What would be the result of the SQL statement CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idxA ON TabA(A), if the column A is not a candidate key?
  32. Differentiate Primary and Secondary index.
  33. How could we reduce the occurrence of bucket overflows in hash file organization?
  34. How does a database index work?
  35. What is hash table?
  36. What are the problems with static hashing?
  37. What does an index record contain?
  38. For a query like ‘SELECT * FROM Emp WHERE EmpNo = ‘E1’’, hashing is the best choice. Why?
  39. How does Denormalization help in improving performance of the system?
  40. How does Dynamic hashing manage file expansion?

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