Exam Questions - Normalization, File Organization, Indexing and Hashing
- List some advantages of DBMS over File Processing System.
- Define the different levels of data abstraction
- What do you mean by degree of relationship set?
- What does DDL interpreter do?
- What is Multi-valued dependency?
- Define Loss-less join decomposition.
- What do you mean by Full Functional Dependency?
- Define Domain Key Normal Form (DKNF)
- Define Query Optimization
- What do you mean by Data transfer rate? How does it helpful in query processing?
- Define average latency time, mean time to failure, and average seek time.
- What are the responsibilities of Buffer manager?
- Discuss the Toss-immediate buffer management strategy with an example.
- Why the Most Recently Used (MRU) block replacement is considered the optimal one in database?
- Define heap file organization, sequential file organization, and hash file organization.
- How do we handle insertion of new records in Sequential file organization?
- List down various information stored in the Data dictionary.
- Does the allocation of records to blocks affect database-system performance? Why?
- Define Dangling pointer.
- List and define the types of indices.
- Are primary index and clustering index meaning the same thing?
- List and define the types of ordered indices.
- List some advantages of dense index.
- List some advantages of sparse index.
- Why the sequential scan in primary index is efficient?
- List some disadvantages of sequential file organization.
- Why do we need a hash function which can both distribute uniformly and randomly?
- Define skew.
- What are the various issues one should consider while choosing File organization and Indexing techniques?
- For executing a query which specifies a range of values in the WHERE clause, among Ordered indexing and Hash indexing, which is preferable? Why?
- What would be the result of the SQL statement CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idxA ON TabA(A), if the column A is not a candidate key?
- Differentiate Primary and Secondary index.
- How could we reduce the occurrence of bucket overflows in hash file organization?
- How does a database index work?
- What is hash table?
- What are the problems with static hashing?
- What does an index record contain?
- For a query like ‘SELECT * FROM Emp WHERE EmpNo = ‘E1’’, hashing is the best choice. Why?
- How does Denormalization help in improving performance of the system?
- How does Dynamic hashing manage file expansion?