Saturday, August 9, 2014

Commit Protocol in Distributed Database - Questions with Answers

Questions and Answers in Distributed Database Management System - Commit Protocols / Distributed Database Question and Answers on the topic Commit Protocols / Practice Exam Questions with Answers in Distributed Database / Advanced Database Systems Questions and Answers

Commit Protocols - Questions and Answers in Distributed Database Management System

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Figure 1 - Execution of Transaction T in a distributed environment
Figure 1 shows a distributed database configured on sites A, B, C, and D. All the sites are connected. Assume that a request in the form of Transaction T is reaching Site A. For this case represented in Figure 1, answer the following questions;
Figure 2 - Execution of Transaction T in a distributed environment

Figure 2 shows a distributed database consists of sites A, B, C, and D. The connections between different sites are shown in dashed lines. Answer the following questions;
(a) Assume that Site A initiates transaction T, and both Site A and Site C contains data for executing transaction T. Also assume that the link between Site A and Site D is failed. What is the effect of the link failure in handling the transaction T?
(b) Assume that the transaction T which is initiated at Site A need to be executed at all the sites (Site A, B, C, and D). If the communication link between Site A and Site B is failed, how does Site B can handle the situation?

6. In 2PC protocol, the coordinator failure is considered as the major disadvantage of 2PC protocol. Why?

8. How is Persistent Messaging (an alternate way to perform transaction processing) implemented?


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