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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Database Management Systems University Question 2

Database Management Systems University Question 2

Database Management Systems
Time : Three Hours                                                  Max.Marks:100
PART – A (8 X 5 = 40 Marks)
Answer ALL Questions

1. Discuss the main categories of data models.
2. What is meant by a recursive relationship type? Give some examples of recursive relationship type.
3. What is meant by super key? Differentiate between super key and primary key.
4. What is the use of GRANT and REVOKE privileges? Give one example for each.
5. Draw the query tree for the following query.
SELECT a.x, b.y FROM a, b WHERE a.m = b.n AND a.g >300;
6. List out the various types of data storage media.
7. Draw the state transition diagram and explain each state.
8. Describe the three phases of validation based protocols.

PART – B (6 X 10 = 60 Marks)
Answer any SIX Questions

9. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach and how it differs from traditional file systems.
10. Draw an ER diagram for the following Bioinformatics application.
• Patient: has a unique MSP number, a Patient name, a Date of Birth, a Tissue Type and an indicator denoting whether the tissue is cancerous or normal.
• A patient library associates a patient with multiple tags
• Each tag has a unique tag number and a unique nucleotide sequence.
• For each tag in the patient library, a count is given to record the number of times the tag occurs in the library. In general, the same tag can be associated with any number of patients.
• A tag may be mapped to a gene. Each gene has a unique gene name and a type.
• In general, multiple tags may be mapped to the same gene. However, two different Genes cannot be mapped to the same tag.
• Finally, an article is identified by a unique article number and a journal name. An article may analyze multiple genes and a gene may be analyzed by multiple articles.
11. Describe the various Join operations with suitable symbols. Give one example for each.
12. Consider the universal relation R= {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J} and a set of functional dependencies F= { {AB→ C}, { A → DE}, { B→ F}, {F→ GH}, {D→ IJ}}. What is the key for R? Decompose R into 2NF, then 3NF relations.
13. Write short notes on primary index and secondary index with suitable examples.
14. Explain how hashing technique and B tree are used in index structure.
15. Describe how concurrency control achieved with two phase lock.
16. Explain the various types of log based recovery techniques.


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