Wednesday, September 21, 2016

CS6302 Database Management Systems November December 2015

Anna University Questions with Answers - CS6302 Database Management Systems November December 2015, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology Questions, Third semester and fifth semester, Regulation 2013

CS6302 Database Management Systems for B.E. Computer Science and Engineering

CS6302 Database Management Systems for B.Tech. Information Technology

CS6302 Database Management Systems for B.E. Mechanical and Automation Engineering

Academic Year
November December 2015
Subject Code
Subject Name
Database Management Systems
Computer Science and Engineering
Third/Fifth Semester

Computer Science and Engineering
Third/Fifth Semester
(Common to B.Tech. Information Technology B.E. Mechanical and Automation Engineering B.E. Computer and Communication Engineering)
(Regulations 2013)
Time : 3 Hours                      Answer A L L Questions                Max. Marks 100
PART-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. State the anomalies of 1NF.
2. Is it possible for several attributes to have same domain? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.
3. Differentiate Static and Dynamic SQL.
4. Why does SQL allow duplicate tuples in a table or in a query result?
5. What is meant by concurrency control?
6. Give an example of Two phase commit protocol.
7. Differentiate Static and Dynamic Hashing.
8. Give an example of a join that is not simple equi-join for which partitioned parallelism can be used.
9. List the types of privileges used in database access control.
10. Can we have more than one constructor in a class? If yes, explain the need for such situation.

Part-B (5* 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) (i) With help of a neat block diagram explain the basic architecture of a database management system. [8]
(ii) What are the advantages of having a centralized control of data? Illustrate your answer with suitable example. [8]
(b) A car-rental company maintains a vehicle database for all vehicles in its current fleet. For all vehicles, it includes the vehicle identification number, license number, manufacturer, model, date of purchase, and color. Special data are included for certain types of vehicles:
Trucks: cargo capacity
Sports cars: horsepower, renter age requirement
Vans: number of passengers
Off-road vehicles: ground clearance, drivetrain (four- or two-wheel drive)
Construct an ER model for the car rental company database. [16]

12. (a) Describe the six clauses in the syntax of an SQL query, and show what type of constructs can be specified in each of six clauses. Which of the six clauses are required and which are optional?
(b) Assume the following table.
Degree (degcode, name, subject)
Candidate (seatno, degcode, name, semester, month, year, result)
Marks (seatno, degcode, semester, month, year, papcode, marks)
[degcode – degree code, name – name of the degree (Eg. MSc.), subject – subject of the course (Eg. Physis), papcode – paper code (Eg. A1)]
Solve the following queries using SQL;
Write a SELECT statement to display,
(i) all the degree codes which are there in the candidate table but not present in degree table in the order of degcode. [4]
(ii) the name of all the candidates who have got less than 40 marks in exactly 2 subjects. [4]
(iii) the name, subject and number of candidates for all degrees in which there are less than 5 candidates. [4]
(iv) the names of all the candidate who have got highest total marks in MSc. Maths. [4]

13. (a) (i) What is Concurrency control? How is implemented in DBMS? Illustrate with suitable example.  [8]
(ii) Discuss view serializability and conflict serializability. [8]
(b) What is deadlock? How does it occur? How transactions can be written to
(i) Avoid deadlock.
(ii) Guarantee correct execution.
Illustrate with suitable example.

14. (a) (i) What is RAID? List the different levels in RAID technology and explain its features.
(ii) Illustrate indexing and hashing techniques with suitable examples.
(b) Write short notes on
(i) Spatial and multimedia databases.
(ii) Mobile and web databases.

15. (a) (i) Describe the GRANT functions and explain how it relate to security. What types of privileges may be granted? How rights could be revoked?
(ii) Write short notes on Data Warehousing.
(b) Suppose an object oriented database had an object A, which references object B, which in turn references C. Assume all objects are in disk initially. Suppose a program first dereferences A, then dereferences B by following the reference from A, and then finally dereferences C. Show the objects that are represented in memory after each dereference, along with their state.


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