Friday, February 16, 2018

List various database users

List down various database users/List down the type of database users

List down various database users.

  • Naïve users / New users – They are new to DBMS or even computers and access any database through any applications by form filling.
For example, if you want to create a new E-mail ID, you need not know anything about the software that creates it. You can simply click the links, which are mostly given in English (or your mother tongue), and fill the necessary columns to create your mail ID.
Anybody can book ticket online if you know the language of the form, and you don't need to know on how does the system work.

  • Application Programmers – They are the programmers who develop the applications which are accessed by other users, say naïve users.
For example, application programmers develop the software that are used by all the end users. They are the people who develop Online booking systems, Automatic control of some machines, Invoice report generation system etc.

  • Sophisticated users – They are interacting with the database using query languages like SQL.
If you know SQL and the tool (SQL Plus for example) to interact with the database, then you can write queries (DDL, DML, etc) and access the database directly, if provisioned. 

  • Specialized users – They are interacting with the database through non-conventional systems.
For example, those users who access database for different purpose are specialized users. The data analyst need data, but he needs historical data. And his queries are mostly complex (aggregation type). Some users deal with multimedia data. Some deal with computer aided design/modeling systems.


List various database users, Name different database users, Who is called as naive users?, Who is application programmer in dbms, What is the role of sophisticated user, explain different database users with their functionalities

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