Sunday, March 25, 2018

What is in-place algorithm in data structures and algorithms

What is in-place algorithm in data structures and algorithms

In-place algorithm

There are devices that don’t have enough memory space. For example, mobile phones, PDA, etc. For these devices, the problem is more time is spent on I/O (input/output) operation than calculation.

In-place algorithm - an algorithm that uses a small constant amount of extra space in addition to the original input, usually overwrite the input space.


Reverse the string “WELCOME”.

Method 1:

Assume that the letters are stored in an array A1 as follows;


To reverse the string ‘WELCOME’, we can create another array A2 and read A1 in reverse and paste each element in A2 from the beginning as follows;
Non-in-place algorithm uses O(n) extra space

This method needs O(n) additional memory space. That is, we create another array of same size and paste the characters from the given string.

Method 2:

Assume that the letters are stored in an array A1 as follows;


To reverse the string ‘WELCOME’, we can exchange the element stored in the first index with the last, second index with the last but one, and so on until entire string is reversed. You can observe it from the figure below;
In-place algorithm - uses O(1) extra space to swap

This method implements in-place algorithm to reverse the given string. O(1) constant extra space is used to reverse the string. [This one character space is used to swap two characters from the string. Temp = A1[0], A1[0] = A1[6], A1[6] = temp]

Example in-place algorithms:

  • Insertion sort
  • Selection sort
Example of not-in-place (out-of-place) algorithms:

  • Merge sort 

in-place sorting algorithm
examples for in-place algorithm
how does in-place algorithm works
how does in-place algorithm save space
how much extra space an in-place algorithm need

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