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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Operating systems questions set 2

Operating systems TRUE / FALSE questions for competitive exams

Operating Systems Quiz with Answers - 2

1. The best way to correct virtual memory thrashing is to increase the overlap between I/O and computation, namely by increasing the number of runnable threads.
(a) TRUE                                                   (b) FALSE
Answer: FALSE. Thrashing results when the working sets of running threads don’t fit in memory; you must decrease running threads to free up memory. [source: UCB]

2. Most PC operating systems do not support multi-programming.
(a) TRUE                                                   (b) FALSE
Answer: FALSE. IPC operating systems do support multi-programming. [source: UCSC]

3. Threads in a process share same file descriptors.
(a) TRUE                                                   (b) FALSE
Answer: TRUE. There is only one file descriptor table per process, and it's shared among all the threads. [source: UCSC]

4. In a modern operating system using memory protection through virtual memory, the hardware registers of a memory-mapped I/O device can only be accessed by the kernel.
(a) TRUE                                                   (b) FALSE
Answer: FALSE. The kernel can map the I/O space of the device into the memory space of a user program, thereby allowing user threads to access the device. [source: UCB]

5. A Remote Procedure Call (RPC) can be used to call a procedure in another process on the same machine.
(a) TRUE                                                   (b) FALSE
Answer: TRUE. Just make the client and server addresses to be the same. Location transparency is a fundamental aspect of RPC. [source: UCB]



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