Friday, April 24, 2020

Operating systems multiple choice questions for exams - Set 12

Operating systems exams - multiple choice questions (MCQ) and answers

Operating Systems MCQ questions and answers – Set 12

1. Which of the following is not a solution to the critical-section problem?

(a) Conditional critical region
(b) Shared memory
(c) Monitor
(d) Semaphore

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Answer: (b) Shared memory        
The critical section problem refers to the problem of how to ensure that at most one process is executing its critical section at a given time.

2. What is the purpose of multiprogramming?

(a) Utilize CPU better
(b) Make the computer hardware more user friendly
(c) Make it easy for the users to run programs
(d) To get the most out of slow input-output devices

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Answer: (a) Utilize CPU better     
Increased CPU utilization is one of the advantages of multiprogramming. Multiprogramming improves CPU utilization as it organizes a number of jobs where CPU always has one to execute.

Other advantages of multi-programming are;

Increased throughput, shorter turnaround time, improved memory utilization, increased resources utilization and multiple users.

3. Which scheduling algorithm can avoid deadlock?

(a) Round Robin algorithm
(b) Rollback algorithm
(c) Banker’s algorithm
(d) None of the above

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Answer: (c) Banker’s algorithm   
The concept of deadlock avoidance is to prevent deadlocks from happening. It is achieved by preventing at least one of the necessary conditions of deadlock from happening.
This algorithm handles multiple instances of the same resource. It forces threads to provide advance information about what resources they may need for the duration of the execution. As per this algorithm, the resources requested may not exceed the total available in the system. The algorithm allocates resources to a requesting thread if the allocation leaves the system in a safe state. Otherwise, the thread must wait.

4. Which of the following components of program state are shared across threads in a multithreaded process?

(a) Register values
(b) Heap memory
(c) Global variables
(d) Stack memory

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Answer: (b) Heap memory and (c) Global variables   
Heap memory is the dynamic memory allocation. Global variables are available to all functions within a program. They are accessible anywhere in the program.
Threads share the heap and global variables. They have private register values and private stack segments.

5. Which of the following scheduling algorithms could result in starvation?
(a) First-come, first-served
(b) Shortest job first
(c) Round robin
(d) Priority

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Answer: (b) Shortest Job First and (d) Priority scheduling    

Shortest Job First and Priority based scheduling algorithms may result in starvation. 

In Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm the larger processes will have more waiting time, hence they may starve. In priority based scheduling a process which is ready may be starved if more high priority processes are executed by CPU.


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