Relational algebra in database management systems solved exercise
Relational algebra – solved exercise
Consider the
following relational database schema consisting of the four relation schemas:
passenger (
pid, pname, pgender, pcity)
agency (
aid, aname, acity)
flight (fid,
fdate, time, src, dest)
booking (pid,
aid, fid, fdate)
Answer the
following questions using relational algebra queries;
Relational algebra operators:
σ – selection with
conditions (It selects all tuples that satisfies the conditions. Shows entire
table with respect to the structure)
Π – projection
operator (It selects the attributes which are listed here)
⨝ - natural join operator (Binary operator that join two
relations on common attributes’ values)
-, ∪, and ∩ - set operators (difference,
union and intersection)
Most of the following queries can be written in many different ways.
a) Get the complete
details of all flights to New Delhi.
σ destination
= “New Delhi” (flight)
b) Get the details about
all flights from Chennai to New Delhi.
σ src = “Chennai”
^ dest = “New Delhi” (flight)
c) Find only the
flight numbers for passenger with pid 123 for flights to Chennai before 06/11/2020.
Π fid (σ pid = 123 (booking)
⨝ σ dest = “Chennai” ^
fdate < 06/11/2020 (flight))
[Hint: Given conditions are pid, dest,
and fdate. To get the flight id for a passenger
given a pid, we have two tables flight and booking to be joined with necessary conditions.
From the result, the flight id can be projected]
d) Find the
passenger names for passengers who have bookings on at least one flight.
pname (passenger ⨝ booking)
e) Find the
passenger names for those who do not have any bookings in any flights.
pname ((Π pid (passenger) - Π pid (booking)) ⨝ passenger)
[Hint: here applied a set difference
operation. The set difference operation returns only
pids that have no booking. The result is
joined with passenger table to get the passenger names.]
f) Find the agency
names for agencies that located in the same city as passenger with passenger id
Π aname (agency ⨝ acity = pcity
(σ pid = 123 (passenger)))
[Hint: we
performed a theta join on equality conditions (equi join) here. This is done between details of passenger 123 and the
agency table to get the valid records where the city values are same.
From the results, aname is projected.]
g) Get the details
of flights that are scheduled on both dates 01/12/2020 and 02/12/2020 at 16:00
(σ fdate = 01/12/2020 ^
time = 16:00 (flight)) ∩ (σ fdate = 02/12/2020
^ time = 16:00 (flight))
[Hint: the requirement is for flight
details for both dates in common. Hence, set intersection is used between the temporary relations generated
from application of various conditions.]
h) Get the details
of flights that are scheduled on either of the dates 01/12/2020 or 02/12/2020
or both at 16:00 hours.
(σ fdate = 01/12/2020 ^ time = 16:00 (flight))
∪ (σ fdate = 02/12/2020 ^ time = 16:00 (flight))
i) Find the agency
names for agencies who do not have any bookings for passenger with id 123.
Π aname (agency ⨝ (Π aid (agency)
– Π aid (σ pid = 123 (booking)))
j) Find the details of all male passengers who are associated with Jet agency.
pname, pcity (σ pgender =
“Male” ^ aname = ‘Jet’ (passengers ⨝ booking ⨝ agency))
[Hint: To get the link between
passengers and agency, we need to join all three tables
passengers, booking, and agency with
necessary condition. Here, agency links both passengers and agency. As we
have performed natural join operation between all three tables, the degree of
the result will consist of all attributes from all the three tables. Hence, we project only passengers details as these are
mentioned as required.]
Related links:
- Go to DBMS - solved exercises page
- Go to DBMS - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) page
Is that last RA query wrong ? .. I think you forgot to filter upon the Jet agency
ReplyDeleteThanks. Corrected
ReplyDeletenyc presentation
ReplyDeletein question (i) the arity for set difference must be same
ReplyDeletearity(agency ⨝ (Π aid (agency)) is not equal to arity(Π aid (σ pid = 123 (booking)))
You are correct. But you missed the set of parenthesis. Please check the RA expression once again. Thanks.