Monday, May 18, 2020

Machine Learning Exam Questions TRUE or FALSE 09

Machine learning quiz questions TRUE or FALSE with answers, important machine learning interview questions for data science, Top 5 machine learning question set

Machine Learning TRUE / FALSE Questions - SET 09

1. Variance of a model typically decreases as the number of features increases.

(a) TRUE                                                   (b) FALSE

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Answer: FALSE
You can reduce High variance, by reducing the number of features in the model. There are several methods available to check which features don’t add much value to the model and which are of importance. Increasing the size of the training set can also help the model generalize. Decreasing the degree of the polynomial can help decrease the model complexity and fix the problem of high variance.

2. In stochastic gradient descent, we take steps in the exact direction of the gradient vector.

(a) TRUE                                                   (b) FALSE

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Answer: FALSE
In stochastic gradient descent, we take steps in the opposite direction of the gradient vector.

3. In kernelized SVMs, the kernel matrix K has to be positive definite.

(a) TRUE                                                   (b) FALSE

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Answer: FALSE
In kernelized SVMs, the kernel matrix K has to be positive semi-definite.
The kernel function in a standard SVM produces a similarity kernel matrix over samples, which is required to be positive semi-definite (needs to have non-negative eigen values). This positive semi-definite property of the kernel matrix ensures the SVMs can be efficiently solved using convex quadratic programming.
Asymmetric matrix is positive semi-definite, if its eigen values are all non-negative.


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