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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Natural Language Processing MCQ 10

MCQ in Natural Language Processing, Quiz questions with answers in NLP, Top interview questions in NLP with answers

Multiple Choice Questions and Answers in NLP Set - 10

1. The study of the sound patterns in natural language and the rules that govern them is:

a) Phonetics
b) Morphology
c) Phonology
d) Syntax

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Answer: (c) Phonology
Phonology is a branch of linguistics concerned with the systematic organization of sounds in spoken languages and signs in sign languages. Phonetics is the study of sounds and is concerned with the production, audition and perception of speech sounds (called phones), whereas phonology describes the way sounds function within a given language and operates at the level of sound systems and abstract sound units.

2. The lexical semantic relation between the words “room” and “house” with room as the first word and the house as the second is

(a) hypernym – hyponym
(b) hypernym – meronym
(c) holonym – hyponym
(d) meronym – holonym

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Answer: (d) meronym-holonym
Meronym is a part of something and the holonym is the whole of something.
In this question, room is the meronym of house (room is the part of house) and house is the holonym of room (house has rooms).

3. Which of the following is an NLP task that involves determining all referring expressions that point to the same real-world entity?

a) Coreference resolution
b) Named entity recognition
c) Information extraction
d) All of the above

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Answer: (a) Coreference resolution
Coreference resolution is the task of finding all expressions that refer to the same entity in a text.
A referring expression (i.e., a mention) is either a noun phrase (NP), a named entity (NE), or a pronoun, which refer to an entity in the real world known as the referent. A grouping of referring expressions with the same referent is called a coreference chain or cluster. The goal of a coreference resolution system is to output all the coreference chains of a given text.
Coreference resolution is the task of clustering mentions in text that refer to the same underlying entities.
“I shared details about my problems with John because he is my friend”, she said.
In this example, ‘I’, ‘my’ and ‘she’ belong to same cluster (coreferential). ‘John’ and ‘he’ belong to same cluster (coreferential).


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