Saturday, June 26, 2021

What are the elements a benchmark dataset should have to measure the relevance of search results

List of elements a benchmark dataset should have in information retrieval task, what we need for a benchmark dataset, what do we need to measure the retrieval effectiveness of a search system, standard benchmark collection for information retrieval evaluation


What are the elements a benchmark dataset should have to measure the relevance of search results?



The retrieval effectiveness of a system is evaluated on a set of documents, queries, and relevance judgments. A benchmark dataset should have the following elements;

  • A document collection
    • Documents must be representative of the documents we expect to see in reality
  • A set of queries
    • It refers to a collection of information needs. The set of queries must also be representative of the information that we need in reality.
  • An assessment by human judges on the relevancy of documents for different information needs.
    • We need to involve humans to judge whether a document is relevant or not for a query. It is usually a costly process.

Some standard benchmark collections include Cranfield, TREC (Text Retrieval Conference), and CLEF (Cross Language Evaluation forum).


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List few benchmark data collection for information retrieval evaluation.

Information retrieval evaluation methods

How to measure the retrieval effectiveness of a  retrieval system

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