Showing posts with label wait-for graph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wait-for graph. Show all posts

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Centralized deadlock detection approach in distributed database

Centralized deadlock detection technique / How to handle deadlock detection in distributed database? / False cycle in distributed database deadlock detection / What is false cycle?


Centralized deadlock detection approach

This is the technique used in distributed database system to handle deadlock detection. According to this approach, the system maintains one Global wait-for graph in a single chosen site, which is named as deadlock-detection coordinator. The Global wait-for graph is updated during the following conditions;

  • Whenever a new edge is inserted or removed in the local wait-for graphs of any sites.
  • Periodically
  • Whenever the coordinator invokes the detection algorithm.

How does it work?

When the deadlock-detection coordinator starts the deadlock-detection algorithm, it searches for cycles. If the coordinator finds a cycle, then the following will happen;
  • The coordinator selects a victim transaction that need to be rolled back.
  • The coordinator informs about the victim transaction to all the sites in the distributed database.
  • The sites rollback the transaction.

This approach (centralized detection approach) may lead to unnecessary rollbacks due to one of the following; (the main cause is the communication delay.)
1. False cycles -
2. Individual transaction rollback during a deadlock and a victim is chosen – for example; let us assume that a deadlock occurred in a distributed database. Then the coordinator chooses one victim transaction and informs the sites about the victim to rollback. At the same time, because of some other reasons, a transaction Ti rollback itself. Now the whole system performed unnecessary rollbacks.


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What is Centralized deadlock detection approach in distributed database

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